As business owners or marketing experts, we all agree that “Content Writing Frameworks” are a crucial component of any successful content marketing strategy. Creating high-quality content is essential for attracting and retaining customers.

But simply producing content isn’t enough – it needs to be effective at converting strangers into buyers. In this blog post, we’ll be looking at 3 proven content writing frameworks for writing marketing materials that convert strangers to customers.

These frameworks have been tested and refined by experts in the industry and can be customized to fit your specific business goals and target audience.

Whether you’re just starting out with content marketing or looking to improve your existing strategy, these frameworks will give you a solid foundation for success.

Why Content Writing is a Crucial Part of Digital Marketing

Even if you don’t think of yourself as a content writer or creator, you are undoubtedly producing content without giving it much thought.

It is true that audio material, including podcasts, and video content, particularly short-form video content, currently dominate the world of digital marketing.

Both consumers and companies are paying close attention to podcasts and short-form video content. Despite this, your content marketing approach still heavily relies on written materials.

Email marketing, social media posts, and long-form articles like the one you are reading right now are still very effective ways to reach your target audience, so writing is still an important part of your marketing process.

If you make videos, it’s important to plan your ideas, script the video content, and write social media captions.

To attract new listeners to your podcast, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas, prepare guests for interviews, and write copy.

Not to mention the writing we do on a daily basis to communicate with coworkers, and our marketing team, make to-do lists and plan content strategies.

Writing is fundamental to marketing, regardless of the type of content you create.

Every digital marketer is a writer, but not all marketers are confident, creative, or unique writers.

This is often due to fear of writing. We put it off until the last minute, worry over every syllable, become stuck repeating the same overused content as everyone else, and end up creating content we’re not proud of.

There is a more effective technique for writing your content. It’s a step-by-step framework that makes writing simpler, more approachable, and more enjoyable.

It puts the reader at the center of your work and gives you the courage to publish with confidence.

This simple content writing framework will guide you through your next content writing.

Mastering this framework will give you shortcuts and make your content-writing journey much more enjoyable.

The Content Writing Frameworks: A Step-by-Step Guide to Simplify and Improve Your Writing

These content writing frameworks are designed to guide you from an initial concept to a finished piece of content.

While you’ll need to come up with your own ideas, you can use this framework once you’ve decided what you want to write about.

The framework addresses two common problems that many marketers face when creating content:

  • They are self-conscious about their grammar and spelling.
  • They are unable to produce high-quality material that is worthy of their ideas.

The content writing framework walks you through the process of creating written content so you can be proud of your work.

Plus, it also contains an editing step, which will boost your confidence in your grammar and spelling.

We’ll go through all three steps of the framework: Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3.
Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Content Writing Frameworks: #Stage 1

First, take a deep breath and relax. You’re not going to write anything just yet. The secret to good writing is that you don’t spend a lot of time actually writing.

Instead, if you devote your time to studying and preparing, you’ll find that you can write quickly and easily. So, before you start brainstorming, go through these three steps of planning.

Determine Your Objective

Every piece of content you produce should have a single purpose. This could be to increase email subscribers, sales, video views, followers, webinar attendees, or any other type of conversion.

It’s important to only have one goal in each piece of material. If you have more than one, you may confuse your readers.

Make a note of that goal at the top of your writing page and keep it in mind throughout the writing process.

As you write, ask yourself, ‘What use is this piece of content to my target audience?’ Make sure to create content with your audience in mind, not just for yourself.

Your next step is to reinterpret the goal of this piece of content from the customer’s perspective. What’s in it for them?

One way to determine this is to ask yourself, ‘What’s the point?’ For example, let’s say you’re a business coach and your goal is to increase your email subscribers or webinar attendees.

Imagine you are the customer and ask yourself, ‘So what?’ What is the benefit for them?

  • What’s the point? So they may read the most recent professional business tips.
  • What’s the point? As a result, they will feel knowledgeable and confident. So that they can expand their business.

Most of the time, you’ll have to keep asking ‘What’s the point?’ before you get to the heart of what your potential clients want and need. It’s worth taking the time to truly understand their perspective.

Now it’s time to provide some evidence. You know what you want, and your customers know what they want.

Ideally, those two things align! However, you need to provide some external validation so that your buyers believe and trust you. You can use feedback and testimonials from past customers.

Gathering this information now will help you organize your writing better and make sure that your persuasiveness and client focus are supported before you write a single word.

Organize Your Ideas

Finally, consider the format your writing will take. Is it an internal message, like an email?
If it’s going to be published, is it a long-form article, a short post, etc.? If it’s supplementing other content such as social media posts, how many characters do you have to work with?

Just like your goals, customer needs, and data, you should think about formats before you start writing.
That’s because it’s much harder to edit the text into a specific format once you’ve already written it. You’ll find it much easier to write if you have a plan in place.

Content Writing Frameworks: #Stage 2



You’re finally ready to start writing! In this stage, you’ll be writing and rewriting.
Write a first draft by beginning with a rough and unfocused first draft. The entire purpose of a first draft is to get the pressure of writing off your shoulders.

Don’t worry about the quality of your writing. Just fill in the blanks on the page.
Some people write their first draft as bullet points, others like to write aloud or even record themselves speaking and then transcribe the recording as a first draft.

The only thing that matters is getting the idea out of your mind and onto the page. It doesn’t have to be good yet.

Rewrite Your Content for One Person

Rewriting is the process of turning a rough first draft into useful text. The first step is to set aside some time for the initial draft – you can even leave it overnight if possible!

When you return refreshed to continue writing, you’ll likely find several errors and issues that need to be addressed, but you’ll also see that there are some solid ideas in your draft.

Remember, we spent so much time on the first phase so that the second phase would be easier. Now you’ll keep only the best parts and revise the initial draft. Most importantly, you’ll rewrite it for a single person: your target customer.

Use your customer persona to keep a specific individual in mind as you write. This will make your writing sound more natural, focused, pleasant, and approachable.

As you spend more time writing, you’ll develop a sense of your own voice, which is what people hear in their heads when they read your material.

This is your personality in print, and it should be unique to you.

Content Writing Frameworks: #Stage 3

Finally, it’s time to edit and publish your work.

This is the exciting part! You’ve put in all the effort, and now it’s time to share it with others.
You don’t have to be a perfectionist when it comes to writing, but remember that a well-written and published piece is better than a perfect unpublished one.

You’ll never publish anything if you try to write the perfect piece. Edit your work using any or all of these three methods: using AI, having a human editor, and reading it out loud.

Use an AI editing tool

AI editing tools like Grammarly is a popular program for editing written content. This clever tool is excellent at identifying spelling and grammatical errors, so you don’t have to worry about your writing.

Hire a Human Editor

Human editors are always better than AI tools, and it helps to have a fresh set of eyes on your work! The goal is to work with an editor who is familiar with your brand and understands the message you’re trying to convey in your written content.

They’ll know what you’re trying to say and can help you get closer to your goals. You can hire professional editors or have a team member proofread your work. Just make it clear that their role is to reflect the perspective of the target audience, not the writer.

An editor should check for anything that might be confusing, boring, or annoying to your readers and correct any errors they find.

Read your content aloud

The final step in this third stage is one you can do on your own. It’s as simple as reading your work aloud.

You can record yourself reading your written content out loud, and listening to it will give you a completely different perspective on it.

You’ll immediately see where the writing is unclear or goes off track.

You should also pay attention to the rhythm and flow of your writing. Is it smooth or are there choppy sections? Is there enough momentum to keep the reader engaged throughout the content?

Even if you don’t have access to an AI editor or a human editor, you should still complete this step.

Reading your work aloud is one of the most effective editing techniques.


With content writing frameworks like these, anyone can create and write great content.

By having the right preparation, mindset, and editing tools, you can create compelling content for marketing.

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About Bridgetcontrol

Bridget Ibuchim-O. Is a Digital Marketing Specialist and the founder of BIO Marketing Consult, a digital skill training agency that focuses on training individuals and small business persons in the digital space.

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